Dr. Vilina Inamdar, HoD- Geography, H.V. Desai College of Arts, Science and Commerce conducted the lecture on ‘Soundarya Manache, Soundarya Sharirache’ envisioned the participants to the beauty of mind and beauty of eyes, ears, throat, shoulders and hands. Her session was full of interesting activities and narration of her experiences. She said that the beauty of mind lies in positive thinking towards life. Prettiness of eyes is in looking at good things in others. Ears have their beauty in keenly listening to others. Melodious singing is the beauty of the throat. Shouldering the responsibility and accomplishment is the magnificence of shoulders. Beautiful hands clap for the success and achievements of others. She said that such a beautiful mind and body will result into happiness, well being and satisfaction in the lives of ourselves and others.
Mr. Dilip Morale, conducted the third session on ‘Spardhatmak Pariksha – Purva Tayari’. He explained the framework of various competitive exams. He gave inputs about the techniques of preparation, books and websites to be referred. He advised the students on analysis of previous question papers and note-making. He illustrated that a good foundation leads to success.
Ms. Sujata Bacchav, Co-ordinator of the programme, welcomed the speakers. Ms. Bhakti Dandekar and Ms. Sonali Yeole proposed the vote of thanks.
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