‘Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri Group of Institutes celebrates 67th Republic Day’
Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri Group of Institutes celebrated 67th Republic Day with great enthusiasm. The Chief Guest Dr. Sujai Hegde, Renowned Oncologist, Guest of Honor Dr. Sheetal Hegde and Special Guest Mr. Santosh Shetty, President, Bunt Sangha graced the occasion. The office bearers of Kannada Sangha, Mr. Kushal Hegde, President, Mr. Narayan Hegde, Vice- President, Mrs. Malathi Kalmadi, Secretary, Mr. B. Baburao, Treasurer, Mr. Shrinivas Alva, Joint Treasurer and Trustees, Dr. Balajith Shetty and Mrs. Radhika Sharma were present on this occasion. The heads of all the units of Kaveri Group of Institutes, Teachers, Parents and students were also present.
The Chief Guest unfurled the tricolor followed by recitation of National Anthem. Dr. S.B. Kharosekar, Principal, Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce recited pledge to all audience for the occasion.
The President of Kannada Sangha, Mr. Kushal Hegde presided over the function. He welcomed Chief Guest Dr. Sujai Hegde and Special Guest Mr. Santosh Shetty. Mrs. Malati kalmadi welcomed Guest of Honor Dr. Sheetal Hegde by offering flowers. The chief guest congratulated and gave prizes to the winners for extraordinary achievements in international and national competitions at different areas. After prize distribution, the cultural activities were presented by students of various units.
The chief Guest started his speech with a short story explaining importance of ‘dignity of Labour’. He said, “Every profession in the society is important and we should respect each and every profession in the society. Do what you feel is close to your heart. Be the best in everything you do. Be honest to your profession”. He also asked to be aware of Fundamental Duties with the fundamental rights. While explaining importance of family, close relatives and friends, he gave reference of the scientific research done at Harvard University on the topic “what made them Happy”.
Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice Principal, Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce proposed vote of thanks and Ms. Sayee Kulkarni compeered the programme. The programme concluded with “Vande Matram”

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