M. Sc (Computer Science) Department of Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Board of Students’ Development, SPPU conducted a One Day Workshop on Scripting Languages on 7th February 2020.
The workshop was inaugurated at the hands of Principal Dr. Ashok Agarawal, in presence of Vice Principal Dr. Muckta Karmarkar, Student Development Officer of the college Dr. Anand Buddhikot and Ms. Chitra Alavani, Coordinator M.SC (CS).
The first session was conducted by Mr. Kunal Pagariya, Senior Development Specialist, Amdocs, Pune. He conducted the session on Ruby scripting language. He started his session with the introduction to Ruby followed by hands-on session. He covered various techniques that can be implemented in Ruby.
The second session was conducted by Mr. Nikesh Rathod, Senior Software Engineer, Synerzip, Pune. He conducted the session on Node JS scripting language. In his session he introduced nodejs, history of nodejs, use of nodejs followed by hands-on session.
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