B.Sc. and M.Sc. Computer Science Department of Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organised a session to celebrate National Science Day on 28th February, 2021 at 11:00a.m. The session was conducted online on Zoom platform.
Jayashri Bangali , Coordinator B.Sc. Computer Science welcomed the resource
person, students and faculty members of Kaveri College. She introduced the
programme and briefed about the session. She said, every year, on 28 February
National Science Day is celebrated in India. Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman,
the Indian Scientist, on this day in 1928 discovered the phenomenon of scattering
of photons which later came to be known as the ‘Raman Effect’ after his name. In
1930, he got Nobel Prize for this remarkable discovery and this was the first
Nobel Prize for India in the field of Science. To mark the discovery of his
famous phenomenon in 1986, the National Council for Science and Technology
Communication (NCSTC) asked the Government of India to designate 28 February as
National Science Day, the then Govt. of India accepted and declared the day as
National Science Day in 1986. So National Science Day is celebrated in India on
28 February each year. She also gave a brief introduction of the resource
person, Dr .V.R. Patnakar.
topic of the session was ‘Vaidnyanik Gappa-Tappa’. Dr .V.R. Patnakar, the
Resource Person for the session talked about the scientific invention in an informal
way and told science stories to the students.
Ashok Agrawal, Principal, Dr.Muckta Karmarkar, Vice Principal, Dr. Jayashri Bangali Coordinator B.Sc. computer science,
Ms. Chitra Alavani, Coordinator M.Sc. Computer Science, the students and staff
members of Kaveri College attended the session.
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