Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune organized a Faculty Development Programme on 3rd, October 2022. All the professors were briefed about the Virtual Lab which was implemented in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. Dr. Varsha Joshi- Nodal Coordinator, Modern College, Ganeshkhind and Prof. Ranjana Shevkar- Nodal Technical Coordinator, Modern College, Ganeshkhind guided all the professors along with demonstrations.
All professors were given detailed information ranging from the registration process of the virtual Labs to the virtual practical courses of various subjects available in it. Dr. Varsha briefed everyone on the entire topic by saying that the concept of virtual labs will be very useful for students to enhance their knowledge and learn new subjects in the current era of online education. Virtual labs are going to provide the experimenting spirit and boost the quest for perfection among the learners. She added that the major motives of these virtual labs are going to be virtually projecting a physical phenomenon through a set of equations and replicating it in virtual reality to obtain the result of a particular experiment, providing remote access to laboratories in various branches of science and engineering, etc. She said that these virtual labs will be proving beneficial for undergraduate-postgraduate students as well as research scholars. She emphasized that the basic purpose of this virtual lab is to stimulate students' curiosity to experiment and help them learn basic and advanced concepts through remote experiments. To provide a complete learning management system around the virtual lab where students can avail various learning tools including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self-assessment. Introduction of these labs is going to help students who are deprived of advanced education due to time or geographical barriers, for whom the expensive equipment and resources will be shared virtually, making them easily accessible and affordable.
Remarkable efforts were made for successful planning and execution of this workshop by Dr. Jayashri Bangali, Nodal Coordinator of Kaveri College's Virtual Laboratory and Prof. Pallavi Joshi, Nodal Technical Coordinator. Principal Dr. Ashok Agarwal and Vice-Principal Dr. Muckta Karmarkar gave their valuable guidance and support for the workshop. All the faculty members of the college took advantage of this Workshop arranged on virtual labs.
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