Tuesday, 10 August 2021

An Online Session on ‘Effective Use of Technology in Fitness’

 Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized a session on “Effective use of Technology in Fitness” on 31 July 2021. The event was organised on a virtual platform by the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kaveri College. The event was guided by the resource person, Dr. Yogesh Bodke, Professor at the Chandrashekhar Agashe College, Pune. The college Principal, Dr. Ashok Agrawal, the Vice Principal, Dr. Muckta Karmarkar, the Director, Physical Education and Sports Department, Mr. Rohit Tambe, and many members of the teaching and non-teaching staff as well as a number of students participated in the event.

The resource person, Dr. Yogesh Bodke, in his speech highlighted the importance of goal setting for building a fit body. He further explained various ways that can be used for self-motivation like virtual challenge, online communities, rewards, championships, and sharing achievements with friends. He introduced, moreover, mobile applications that can be used like google fit, runkeeper, looseit, fitness builder and fitness pal. He discussed next the electronic gadgets, wearable devices, smart shoes, smart ropes and other such gadgets that are gaining popularity and are widely used. He provided additional fitness tips for youngsters and kids. The session was followed by a question answer session. In this session, Prof. Bodke  explained techniques for losing weight, and answered other queries. Mr. Rohit Tambe summarised the discussuon in the session, and proposed the vote of thanks.

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