Thursday, 29 July 2021

‘Antarmanache Niyojan’: A Session by Dr. Shirish Limaye

 ‘Antarmanache Niyojan’, a session by Dr. Shirish Limaye, the former Head, Department of Accountancy, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune, and a volunteer at Ramakrishna Math, Pune, was organised on July 16, 2021 by the Department of Commerce under the guidance of Dr. Deepa Sathe, Co-Ordinator, Commerce Dept. under 'Commerce Horizon’ programme. Dr. Limaye’s lecture on the topic mentioned above was organised for seeking guidance regarding psychological well-being, given the current pandemic context.

 Principal, Dr. Ashok Agrawal, welcomed the guest speaker.  In his introductory speech, he emphasised the need for physical and psychological fitness in the current context, and hence the need for expert advice on mental health. He further assured the Kaveri family that quality education, our hallmark, would continue as ever, despite the pandemic.

The actual session started with a prayer. Dr. Limaye initially listed problems such as negative thoughts, confused emotions, depression, lack of confidence, anger issues, faced especially by young students. He argued that proper planning of the subconscious mind would be the only solution to all these problems.

Dr. Limaye next appealed that it would be necessary to take care of ‘what you think’ because, in his opinion, ‘you receive what you think, what you trust and not what you are eligible for’.   While guiding about how to increase such trust, he advised the young audience to be bold, strong, confident, and thus to accept the entire responsibility for oneself.

For increasing such mind power, he felt, parents need to take efforts from their wards’ childhood. If parents could not spend quality time with their children, they might grow up with a confused mind-set and a lack of self-confidence. The speaker thus made students feel that ‘mind is the problem, the obstacle in their proper development.’  He explained that everything happens twice, once in the mind and then in reality, and if the youngsters would properly train their mind, the instrument to achieve their goal, they could achieve anything and everything, he opined.

Dr. Limaye next discussed the “3 Rahasyas, 7 Siddhants and 11 Niyams of mind” that can help human beings to be responsible for their lives. He explained a few basic laws of mind as well.

Dr. Limaye shared with the audience the talk by Ms Iesha Choudhari as an effective example of the ‘Power of Thought and Power of Mind”

The very useful and interactive session, attended by many participants from the Kaveri family and other colleges, ended with a very interesting question/answer session. Ms. Dandekar, the compere of the programme, proposed the vote of thanks.

A Session on GIT / GITHUB

 To keep students updated with the current trends and technologies of software industry, the M.Sc. Computer Science Department organized a session on GIT / GITHUB for all the computer students. In the wake of Covid-19, this session was organized online, on the virtual platform `zoom’ on July 10, 2021 at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Chitra Alavani, Co-ordinator, M.Sc. Computer Science Department, organized the session. In her welcome address, she said that students could use the technology in their curriculum projects as well as in future projects in the industry. Mrs. Rashmi Vadjikar introduced the resource person, Mr.Ajinkya Ganoo, who has four years of working experience as a software engineer who runs an initiative called `stickybit’, focussing on corporate policies, and work culture/ ethics.

Mr. Ganoo explained through a step by step demonstration the GIT and GITHUB technology, its relevance as a technological tool, different cloud based repository systems, creation of profile on GITHUB, the managing of versions of code using repository and branches, and the methods of creating and cloning repository, and finally, how to push the code.

At the end of this interactive session, which was attended by all the computer faculty and students in large number, students asked many questions which the resource person answered most satisfactorily.

A session on Scratch Animation Demo


 On July 17, 2021, the Techies Club, Bachelor of Business Administration (Computer Application), arranged for all the FYBBA(CA) and SYBBA(CA) students an online demo session on Scratch Animation. Initially, Ms. Sujata Bachav, Co-ordinator, BBA(CA), welcomed all the students. Next, she conveyed to the participants the best wishes sent by our principal, Dr. Ashok Agrawal.

During the session, the FYBBA(CA) students presented the projects they developed with the help of Scratch. Chaitrali Sonawane presented the `Penguin and Platformer’ game which she explained in detail. Mahesh Parihar created the `Ball in Bowl’ game which he demonstrated with key functions and co-ordinates.  Nishant Kulkarni presented his game named `Covid Warriors’. It had three characters, Covid Warriors, Covid Virus and the Vaccine. Other such games as `Stopping the Spread of Covid 19’, designed by Yuvraj Takawale, `Corona Message: Wear a Mask to Protect Ourselves’ Gautami Kharote and `Good Covid Warriors’ by Yash Marane were presented as well.  

All the animations and games were amazing, and showed students’ passion as well as awareness of the current pandemic context. Using such entertaining tools as animation and games, these young creators tried to give a good message to the society regarding the Corona appropriate behavior. Ms. Sujata Bachav, Co-ordinator, BBA(CA) department guided the demo participants further for their future development. At the end of the session, she congratulated all the participants for their excellent presentations, knowledge application & hard work.




Sunday, 18 July 2021

A session on 'Presentation & Communication Skills' at Kaveri


Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (Computer Application), Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce arranged an online session on Presentation & Communication Skills on 10th July 2021.

                    Resource Person Amruta Shedge, Manager, Communication & Public Relations, Raintree Foundation Pune, Former TV Anchor  & Reporter for India Today, Aaj Tak & ABP News & Alumni of BCA, Kaveri College was invited as the guest speaker. Dr. Ashok Agrawal, Principal, Kaveri College & Dr. Muckta Karmarkar, Vice Principal, Kaveri College were present for the session. Sujata Bachhav, Coordinator, BBA-CA welcomed the guest & students for the session & introduced the guest.

In the session Amruta Madam explained the changing communication techniques in the media like the use of YouTube channel for the news as well as how technology has helped the mass media to enrich the presentations. As she has lot of experience in the communication field, she gave her own examples of success stories and the challenges that she had faced while working in the media, which made the session very interesting and helpful for the students.

                    She taught students how to use body language, while communicating with others, how one needs to control one’s own emotions while making statements in the public. She taught the students about the importance of having the complete knowledge of topic before presenting it in front of the audience, how to understand the requirement of audience and for them we want to present a particular topic. She explained different types of communication as well as the seven Cs of communication. She explained four important steps of presentation- Plan, Prepare, Practice and Present. Overall, the session was very interactive which helped the students to understand the importance of good communication and presentation skills and how to implement them in life. The session ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Vandana Upadhyay.

“Breathe For Life”, a special two days Kriya Yoga workshop for Parents at Kaveri College


Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized “Breathe for Life”, a special two day Kriya Yoga Session for parents, students and staff members on 10th and 11th July 2021. This workshop was organised in association with Datta Kriya International Pune Centre. The event was conducted by the resource person Dr. A.J.Thanawala, a practitioner of Datta Kriya Yoga. Principal Dr. Ashok Agrawal, Vice Principal Dr. Muckta Karmarkar, Student Development Officer Dr. Jayashri Bangali along with parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, and students were present for this session. 

In his address, Dr. Ashok Agrawal said that everyone should take care and keep themselves fit during this pandemic situation.  As a part of our social commitment to the well-being of our key stake holders, this event on Kriya yoga has been specially organized.

The resource person, senior yoga trainer Dr. Avnish J. Thanawala conducted the two days session and guided all the participants. He demonstrated Shuddha Sahaj Pranayama, Nadi Shuddhi and Panchtatwa Mudras followed by music meditation. He explained various benefits of practicing Mudra Kriya yoga.