‘Antarmanache Niyojan’, a session by Dr. Shirish Limaye, the former Head, Department of Accountancy, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune, and a volunteer at Ramakrishna Math, Pune, was organised on July 16, 2021 by the Department of Commerce under the guidance of Dr. Deepa Sathe, Co-Ordinator, Commerce Dept. under 'Commerce Horizon’ programme. Dr. Limaye’s lecture on the topic mentioned above was organised for seeking guidance regarding psychological well-being, given the current pandemic context.
Principal, Dr. Ashok Agrawal, welcomed the
guest speaker. In his introductory
speech, he emphasised the need for physical and psychological fitness in the
current context, and hence the need for expert advice on mental health. He further
assured the Kaveri family that quality education, our hallmark, would continue
as ever, despite the pandemic.
The actual session started
with a prayer. Dr. Limaye initially listed problems such as negative thoughts,
confused emotions, depression, lack of confidence, anger issues, faced
especially by young students. He argued that proper planning of the subconscious
mind would be the only solution to all these problems.
Dr. Limaye next appealed
that it would be necessary to take care of ‘what you think’ because, in his
opinion, ‘you receive what you think, what you trust and not what you are
eligible for’. While guiding about how to increase such
trust, he advised the young audience to be bold, strong, confident, and thus to
accept the entire responsibility for oneself.
For increasing such mind
power, he felt, parents need to take efforts from their wards’ childhood. If
parents could not spend quality time with their children, they might grow up
with a confused mind-set and a lack of self-confidence. The speaker thus made
students feel that ‘mind is the problem, the obstacle in their proper
development.’ He explained that everything
happens twice, once in the mind and then in reality, and if the youngsters would
properly train their mind, the instrument to achieve their goal, they could achieve
anything and everything, he opined.
Dr. Limaye next discussed
the “3 Rahasyas, 7 Siddhants and 11 Niyams of mind” that can help human
beings to be responsible for their lives. He explained a few basic laws of mind
as well.
Dr. Limaye shared with the
audience the talk by Ms Iesha Choudhari as an effective example of the ‘Power
of Thought and Power of Mind”
The very useful and
interactive session, attended by many participants from the Kaveri family and
other colleges, ended with a very interesting question/answer session. Ms. Dandekar,
the compere of the programme, proposed the vote of thanks.