As per
the directives of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Kannada Sangha’s
Kaveri College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune had arranged ‘Graduation
Ceremony’ in the college on Thursday 13th February, 2017 at 10.30 a.m. Hon. Mr.
Kushal Hegde, President, Kannada Sangha presided over the ceremony, Mrs. Malati
Kalamadi Secretary, Kannada Sangha and Mr.
B.B. Rao Treasurer, Kannda Sangha graced the occasion. Mr. Vinayak
Joglekar, Founder and CTO, Synerzip India Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest for the
Ceremony. Total 103 degree certificates of B.Com., BCA, BBA and B.SC.(computer
Science) were received by the college from SPPU, out of which 80 were
distributed in the Graduation Ceremony.

Mr. Kushal Hegde welcomed & felicitated chief guest Mr. Vinayak Joglekar.
Principal, Dr. S. B. Kharosekar welcomed all the students and gave a brief
introduction of the ceremony. He congratulated the students for receiving the
graduation certificates. Mr. Vinayak Joglekar briefed the students about the
opportunities in India and abroad. He also said that create a strong cohesive
group to update yourself about the scope and opportunities available in your
field. He advised all the students to be a part of digitization and cope up
with the fast changing world.
programme was compered by Mrs. Priya Deshmukh and Mrs. Sujata Bachhav, College
Examination Officer (CEO) proposed the vote of thanks.
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