Science and Electronics Department of Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of
Arts, Science and Commerce has organized a National Level Conference on “Application
of Computer and Electronic Science” on 20th and 21st January 2017 under Quality Improvement
Programme, of Savitribai Phule Pune University. The
Conference received a good response of total 33
research papers from Nagpur, Udaypur, Nashik, Nagar and pune district, out of
which 13 were selected for oral presentations and 20 were selected for poster
presentation. The papers received were
published in the proceedings of the conference with ISBN Number: 978-81-926543-2-4.
The conference was inaugurated by Mrs. Malati Kalmadi,
Secretary Kannada Sangha, Mr. Vivek Sawant Managing Director and CEO MKCL Pune
was the chief guest, Hon. Mr. B. Baburao, Treasurer, Kannada Sangha, Dr. S.B.
Kharosekar, Principal, Kaveri College, Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice-Principal,
Kaveri College, Dr. Jayashree Bangali, Convener, National Level Conference were
present for the occasion.

chief guest Mr. Vivek Sawant in his inaugural speech spoke on the topic,”
Partnership of Human Intelligence and Non-Human like Intelligence”. He focused
on new opportunities, new careers due to the developments in advanced
technologies. Dr. Aditya Abhaynkar Dean, Faculty of Technology, SPPU resource
person of the conference talked on the topic ‘Towards Kernel Development in
Machine Learning’. He explained about the global trends in machine learning
and developing "kernels". Further he explained what is kernel, what
makes it is adaptive and how it is capable of solving interesting real life
problems with engineered solution. Dr. A.D. Shaligram Professor and Head
Department of Electronic Science SPPU talked on the topic ‘Smart Lifestyle with
Evolving IoT Applications’. He spoke about the Rapid development of electronic
materials, devices and software tools during recent times which has resulted in
explosion of applications of Internet of Things (IoT) at affordable prices. Dr.
Manasi S. Patwardhan Associate
Professor, VIT, Pune talked on the topic ‘Human Behavioral Analytics’. She
focused on Human behaviour and observable emotions associated with individuals.
Dr. N.M.Kulkarni, Vice Principal and
Head Department of Electronics Fergusson College, Dr. P.B.Buchade, Vice
Principal and Head Department of Electronics Garware College worked as session
chairman for oral presentation. Dr. M.S.Zambare, Dr.M.L.Dongare, Dr. Deepa
Ramane worked as chairman for poster presentations.
S.B. Kharosekar congratulated all the participants. All the participants
received participation certificates at the hands of Dr. S.B. Kharosekar. The
Conference concluded with the key note address by Dr.Jayashri Bangali. Ms. Ashwini Malani compeered the program and Mr. Anand
Buddhikot proposed the vote of thanks.
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