Computer Science and Electronics Department of Kannada
Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce are organizing a
National Level Conference on “Application of Computer and Electronic
Science” on 20th and 21st January 2017 under Quality Improvement
Programme, of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
conference will be inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Kushal Hegde, President,
Kannada Sangha, Dr. V. B. Gaikwad Director, BCUD, SPPU Pune will be the chief guest
and Mrs. Malati Kalmadi Secretary, Kannada Sangha will be the Guest of Honor on
the occasion. In the two days conference, eminent Resource persons like Dr.
Aditya Abhyankar Dean, Department of Technology, SPPU Pune,
Prof. Dr. A. D. Shaligram Head, Department of Electronic Science, SPPU Pune and Dr
Manasi Patwardhan, Senior Faculty Department of Computer Science, VIT Pune are
invited for the conference.
post graduate students, research students, research faculties and the people
from other organizations can attend this Conference.
All the participants including
contributing paper authors are required to confirm their registration by
sending a mail to The papers received along with
registration fees will be published in the proceedings of the conference with
ISBN Number: 978-81-926543-2-4.
of the Conference: Kaveri College of Arts,Science &
Ganesh Nagar, Erandwane, Pune-38.
For further details contact:
Prof. Dr. Jayashri Bangali ( QIP Co-ordiantor) (9423581927)
Prof. Mr.Anand Buddikot (Co-Ordinator)(9657309014)
Prof. Ms. Shilpa Khadilkar (Co-Ordinator)( 9823574100),
College Landline Number- 020-25456328