State Level Workshop on ‘Problem Solving in Algebra and Mathematical Analysis’ conducted in Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce conducted a State Level Workshop on ‘Problem Solving in Algebra and Mathematical Analysis’ on 29th and 30th January, 2016. The workshop was organised by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the college and sponsored under the Quality Improvement Programme of Savitribai Phule Pune University. The workshop aimed at creating conceptual understanding about the difficult topics like Linear Algebra, Group Theory, Real Analysis and Complex Analysis.
The workshop was inaugurated at the hands of the Chief Guest, Dr. S.A. Katre, Ex-Head, Dept. of Mathematics, SPPU. Shri. Kushal Hegde, President, Kannada Sangha, Pune, Mr. B.B.Rao, Treasurer, Kannada Sangha and Prof. L. S. Jadhav graced the occasion with their presence. Dr. S. B. Kharosekar, Principal of the college, Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice-Principal, Mrs. Vaishali Sayankar, Convener of the workshop, Staff Members and Participants were present on this occasion. Dr. Kharosekar welcomed the guests and participants. Mr. Kushal Hegde congratulated the participants.
In his keynote address, Dr. Katre explained the number theory with many examples. He also explained the clues to solve problems related to number theory.
Mr. L.S. Jadhav, Associate Professor, New Arts, Science and Commerce College, Ahmednagar, in the first and second session, explained group theory with the examples on normal subgroups and cyclic groups. He also explained the isomorphism, class equation, and Sylow’s Theorem. The third session was conducted by Dr. V.M. Sholapurkar, Head, Centre for Post graduate Studies in Mathematics, S. P.College, Adjunct Professor, Bhasakarcharya Prathisthan, Pune on Real Analysis. He explained the concept of continuity, pointwise continuity and uniform continuity. Dr. Y. M. Borse, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, SPPU, talked about complex analysis, in particular, analytic functions Cauchy Reimann equation and differentiation of complex functions in the fourth session.In the last session, Mr. S.B. Ballal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, SPPU highlighted the concept of linear algebra and problem solving.
There were 24 participants from Ahmednagar, Karad, Kolhapur, Loni, Nasik, Solapur and Pune for the workshop. The queries of the participants were satisfactorily answered by all the speakers. The workshop was compeered by Ms. Sneha Govande and Mrs. Vaishali Sayankar proposed the vote of thanks. It concluded with recitation of Vande Mataram.
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