Commerce Department
organised commerce week under the ‘Commerce Horizon’ from 29th of
July 2019 to 1st of August 2019. The theme for this Commerce Week
was, ‘Connect, Co- Create and Collaborate’, where in various programs and different activities were organised. Commerce
week was inaugurated at the hands of Principal Dr. Ashok Agrawal in the
presence of Vice- Principal Dr. Muckta Karmarkar Dr. Deepa Sathe, , Commerce Co-ordinator
and all the staff members. Dr Deepa Sathe welcomed all and introduced the
commerce week. Principal Sir motivated all the present staff members and the
students. He appealed students to participate and take maximum benefit from
this week.
Day one of the week started with the guest lecture by Mrs. Shruti Shah-Sathe, CA. CS. LLB. (SET) on the
topic “Alternate Career Opportunities” She informed students about the courses
offered by SEBI under fraud detection which were not known to the students. Her
session followed by the quiz competition. Abhijeetsingh
Singh from (TY B Com) and Agney Galande
(TY B Com), -(TEAM A) Secured 1st rank they received
certificate and cash prize of Rs. 150/- each, and Soham Mahajan from (S Y B
Com) and Yash Naik from ( S.Y. B. Com)
(Team E) Secured 2nd
rank with certificate and cash prize of Rs. 100/- each.
Mad adds competition,
Kunal & Team [Kunal Vedpathak ( S. Y. BBA), Sudeshna More (TY B Com), Amit
Nagarkar (S. Y. B Com) Rushabh Bhondale (TY B Com) , Yash Potnis (S. Y. B
.Com), Shravani Patil (S. Y. B. Com)] Secured 1st rank they
received certificates and cash prize of rs.400 per team. Vaishnavi & Team [ Vaishnavi
Panchpore ( S Y B A), Abhijeetsingh Singh (TY
B Com) , Ms. Sushmita Roy
(TY B Com) Agney Galande (TY B Com, and
Ms. Ketaki Kulkarni (TY B Com) ] , Secured 2nd rank with certificate and cash prize of Rs.
200/- per Team.
The second day of the week
began with the informative session by Ms. Vaishnavi Nyayadhish. She conducted the first session on ‘What I
have learnt from Bhagavat Gita’. She focused on the life lessons which can be
followed in daily life of the student and have also emphasized on how to understand preaching in Bhagavat Gita. This session was followed by a PPT
presentation competition on topics like ‘Maharera- Customer Perspective’, ‘GST-One
Nation, One Tax, ‘Ethics in Advertising, ‘Impact of Demonetisation of Digital
Payment System, ‘Branding Strategies’. Ms. Vaishnavi Darwatkar- SYBBA and Ms.
Siddhi Dure-SYBBA presented on topic ‘Ethics in Advertising’ were winners for
the competition. They won Rs. 400/- cash prize and certificate. Ms. Priyanka
Kalelkar from SYBcom and Ms. Megha Moolya from SYBcom presented on topic
‘Impact of Demonetisation of Digital Payment System’ were first runner up for
the competition. They won cash prize of Rs.200/- and certificate.
Day three of the week i.e 31st July
began with Mr. Atul Gaikwad who conducted the session on ‘Early age Financial
Planning’.He explained students about various avenues available in the market
in financial sector for investments. Youngsters have lot of means for expenses
these days because of which their investments are decreasing which is not
benefited for long term. In the second half, an informative session on
‘Introduction to Online Courses’ was conducted by Mr. Abhijeetsingh Singh of T.Y.Bcom,
Student of Kaveri College. He emphasised on ‘SWAYAM and Coursera’. He informed
in detail the complete procedure of registration till receiving certificates to
the students.
Mr. Arvind Paranjpe, Director, ‘Sarth Wealth Advisors
Pvt. Ltd’. since 2016. He guided students on the topic,’Budget and Economy’. He
said that India is the third largest economy in the world advancing in the
fields of necular power, space research and large young population. He further
spoke about the challenges faced by the union budget 2019-2020 such as building
the infrastructure, creating more jobs, improving the tax collection in the
country. He further discussed about regulatory authorities in India like SEBI,
IRDA, TRAI, etc. His session was followed by question answer session.

Second session of the day was on, ‘ Preparation for
MBA Entrance’ conducted by Mr. Ronak Shah, Trainer of Proton, an institution
which guides students for the preparation of MBA entrance. He asked students to
take decision about the career on the basis of their likings. He also guided
students for selecting best college in India on the basis of all India ranking
also asked them to select the college on the basis of past placements offered.
He further guided students about studying MBA in abroad. Both the sessions were
very informative, useful for the students. Students enjoyed it a lot.
In the valedictory function Co ordinator, Dr.Deepa
Sathe felicitated all the student co-ordinators and volunteers who worked hard
during the commerce week and proposed vote of thanks.