Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Yoga- A way to healthy life! – Dr. Kharosekar

Principal, Dr. S. B. Kharosekar said that, “Yoga is the best technique to keep all body systems vigorous leading to the peaceful life” at the celebration of International day of Yoga in Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 21st June, 2017.  On this occasion, Dr. Kharosekar expressed importance of Yoga for healthy life. He also said that Yoga keeps us physically, mentally and spiritually balanced. He mentioned that Yoga is the best medicine for sculpting the body both internally and externally. It promotes harmony among people in their professional and personal lives. He assured that different Yoga activities will be conducted throughout the year for the college staff and students in the college.  The event was organised in association with Datta Kriya Yoga International Pune Center.

Dr. A. J. Thanawala, Datta Kriya Yoga International Pune Center, Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice Principal, and Mr. Anand Buddhikot, NSS PO, were present on this occasion. The teaching, non-teaching staff members and students participated in large numbers in the event.
On this occasion, Dr. Thanawala said that Yoga is our birth right and International Yoga day is golden day in the history of mankind. He also said that transformation of mind is the greatest miracle which can be achieved through ancient science of Yoga. He said that Yoga helps in curing many chronic and incurable diseases. He mentioned the importance of various asanas and Naad Yoga.  Dr. Thanawala conducted the session on meditation, pranayam, and simple asanas for the participants.

Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty proposed the vote of thanks.