Saturday, 9 April 2016

‘Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized the 1st Graduation Ceremony’

 Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized the 1st Convocation Ceremony on 7th April, 2016 at 11.30am as per the directives of Savitribai Phule Pune University. The Chief Guest for the ceremony was Dr. Yashwant Waghmare, Vice Chairman, Maharashtra Education Society, Pune. Hon. Mr. Kushal Hegde, President, Kannada Sangha, Pune presided over the ceremony. Mrs. Malati Kalmadi, Secretary, Kannada Sangha and Mr. B. Baburao, Treasurer, Kannada Sangha graced the occasion.  Dr. S. B. Kharosekar, Principal, Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice-Principal, Dr. Jayashri Bangali, Controller of Examinations, Course Co-ordinators, Teachers, Non-teaching staff and students were present for the ceremony. The ceremony began with the recital of Saraswati Stavan and Vidyapeeth Geet.
In his welcome speech, Dr. Kharosekar congratulated the students for receiving the graduation certificates. He informed about the framework of graduation ceremony to be conducted under SPPU and that the graduation ceremony will be a inseparable part of the affiliated colleges from this academic year.  Dr. Waghmare said that the brains in the institutions are precious than the buildings of the institutions.   He said that every teacher should communicate with the students very well and also solve their doubts. Curiosity and experimentation should enrich teachers’ research experience. Mr. Hegde emphasized on the importance of quality education and informed the audience about the vision and objectives of the institution. Mrs. Kalmadi expressed the hope that the institution will definitely have a Nobel Laureate in the future.
The degree certificates were given to the students at the hands of Dr. Yashwant Waghmare. Dr. Jayashri Bangali, CEO, proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was compeered by Mrs. Pooja Ambole. It concluded with National Anthem.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

‘Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organizes the 1st Graduation Ceremony’

Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce has organized the 1st Convocation Ceremony on 7th April, 2016 at 11.30am. The Chief Guest for the ceremony is Dr. Yashwant Waghmare, Vice Chairman, Maharashtra Education Society, Pune. Hon. Mr. Kushal Hegde, President, Kannada Sangha, Pune will preside over the ceremony.  

Venue of the competition                 : Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce,
                                                              A.V. Room, 6th floor
                                                              Ganesh Nagar, Erandwane, Pune – 38.

For further details contact:           Dr. Jayashri Bangali, Chief Examination Officer                                    

College Office Phone No.                  : 020 25456328 / 9423581927
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